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ZONE RANCHER 2024 (1).png

Level 1 - Ignition Course

Live, online high-performance group training for ranchers who need to be extraordinary

Are You A Longtime Rancher Ready to Level Up?
Taking Over the Family Ranch?
Creating a New Business?

The Zone Rancher program is your  “apprenticeship” in high-performance leadership. The outcome is to improve the effectiveness of your leadership — high-performance style — starting right in the very first module! You’ll learn an invaluable high-performance ignition switch called the Zone, followed in the remaining modules by multiple high-performance tools that enhance and reinforce it.

This intensive one-month version of  Zone Rancher, led by high-performance expert Bob Palmer, will dynamically impact your business and personal life — because high performance impacts all areas of your life!

Become a master in leadership — high-performance style

Bob Palmer is the high-performance trainer for Zone Rancher and the CEO of SportExcel Inc., a global training company. In Zone Rancher - Level 1 he teaches you how to build a culture of high performance in your ranching operation. 


You'll discover and immediately apply the secret to high performance that every great leader embraces — an on-demand ignition switch called the Zone. This powerful and dynamic Zone comes straight out of the playbook of professional, winning sport dynasties. Through it, Bob has empowered his black-belts, pro-athletes, gold-medal Olympians—and now CEO's.


Now it's your turn.


Zone Rancher will give you a leadership system with multiple high-performance tools, that will be immediately empowering to you as a participant and equally empowering to those you lead and touch by the actions in your daily decisions. The impact of this culture of empowerment will feel very good to you and those around you. And although it is leadership, not psychology, many are calling it excellent for their mental health. 


In this program, you will learn an actual strategy called the Zone. Be prepared for some interesting changes in your personal life, in how you influence others and in how you run your operation, because the stories you hear about the Zone are true. It does affect all areas and all people in your life. And it is fun.

Zone Rancher teaches you the strategies to:

  • Take leadership of yourself and apply it to all of your actions

  • Acquire the ability to stay emotionally buoyant in your day-to-day work and personal space. This consistent buoyancy is what we call the Zone

  • Support your Zone through a System that ensures you effectively execute strategies to achieve your outcomes  

  • Develop new skills fast by modeling excellent ranching leadership role models 

  • Manage and empower employees (and deal with difficult people) more effectively

  • Tackle problems with a sense of urgency and excitement

  • Stay motivated and energized 

  • Generate more fun so you maximize yourself at your best, enjoying life and work 

High-performance tip: To exponentially increase your profitability and the effectiveness of your team, bring on a second member of your organization—son, daughter, manager, or spouse. The power of the Zone increases with everyone on the same page. In doing so, be prepared for this “apprenticeship” to have a huge impact on your organization and life. 

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Zone Rancher
Level 1 - Ignition 

Next course starts:
Feb 4 - 27 | 10:00 - 11:30 MST

Live weekly, online group sessions on 
Tuesdays and Thursdays via Zoom


Add a ranch partner (spouse, family or team member) and get a second seat at a special rate: $349 /seat


  • Eight - 90-minute live, online group high-performance training sessions via Zoom specifically designed for ranchers (two sessions per week on Tuesdays and Thursdays - February 4 - 27, 2025 from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm MST)

  • A PDF download for each module to be used as a resource and a reference for what you'll learn in that session 

  • A complimentary eBook copy of Bob's new book - MIND vs SALES 


Founder and CEO and High Performance Trainer - SportExcel Inc.

Bob Palmer founded SportExcel Inc. in 1994, driving high-performance innovation that is transforming how business people and organizations achieve their dreams. A highly respected and inspiring industry leader and expert, Bob has been instrumental in pioneering a systems-based, leadership approach that has revolutionized how businesses uplevel their leadership skills to create a profitable and empowering culture. 

Bob initially designed his high-performance program for athletes and coaches and then further developed and extended the model specifically for sport CEOs and executives. Frank Thompson, a successful Olympic Athlete in international skeet shooting, applied Bob’s “sport” high-performance system to his Nebraska ranch operation.

As a result of his success, he introduced SportExcel to Ranching.FYI and John Haskell, and this specifically designed collaboration between the two organizations is the result.

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Learning how to use being in the Zone in my business has given me an elite edge in growing my business. Visualizing my future success with Bob’s tools helped make my success quicker and built more confidence along the way! Business, sport and family life can all be massively improved by using the knowledge that Bob shares!  

— TAYLOR HODGES, CEO - Hodges Financial Services, HP Cashflow and Inspire Gym United

Bob was the first high-performance trainer that I worked with at the beginning of my career. His methods became some of the fundamentals that I used as part of my everyday routine. The knowledge that I have learned from him has helped me achieve my ultimate dream.

— VINCENT HANCOCK, Coach and Four-time Olympic Gold Medallist
I'd finally found exactly what I was looking for — a simple, effective and easy-to-use system for enhancing performance and productivity, delivered with passion and expertise.
— PETER BAEKLUND, Founder & Head Coach, Peter Baeklund Resourceful Leadership, Denmark

Become a master in the leadership of your
ranch -
high-performance style

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